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Theresas Celiac

Hi, My name is Theresa Knous. I am a mother of 4 wonderful children, who range in age from 22 to 7. I have one of the greatest husbands in the world, without him I wouldn't understand the importance of my health.

I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008. I had become very ill with diarrhea, vomiting and extreme fatigue. After about a week of what I thought was the flu I decided I need to go see the Doctor because I was just not feeling any better. The doctor did some lab work and an hour later came back and told me I had Helicobator Pylori, also known as H-Pylori, Yep just like you, I said what?? Is that??. H-Pylori is originally from a third world country where sanitation of water and supplies isn't a priority and infects the lining of your stomach. once you contract H-Pylori you are always a carrier. The doctor gave me a huge regimen of antibiotics and told me to rest and that I would start to feel better soon, however I didn't start to feel better and was referred to a Gastointestinal specialist, who decided I needed a colonoscopy and an EGD. Upon waking up from these procedures, I learned that between my stomach and colon I had 11 lesions and was told that was alot for someone as young as me. The Doctor biopsied my lesions and called me 2 days later to tell me he had diagnosed me with Celiac disease. I had never heard of Celiac disease before and quickly I was on the internet to figure out what is this? and how do I get rid of it? I soon learned there is no cure and that I would have to change my whole life, but at that time I was thinking I am 38 years old and this is just now affecting me?? That Doctor must be crazy to think that something so simple as gluten is making me sick..So I chose to ignore it and keep living and doing as I always had. I lost over 70 ponds at a very fast pace, but because I was a little chunky I welcomed the weight loss and that of everyone telling me how great I look, yes I didn't feel great most of the time, but I chose to ignore that also, because for the first time in my life I was wearing a BIKINI. I hid from everyone I know about how crappy I really feel and that eating is the worst thing in the world. It wasn't until January of this year (2010) when at first I had a blood clot in my leg, then 2 weeks later diagnosed with arthritis in my back, then in February I became virtually bedridden, with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, migranes, dizzy, pain, shortness of breath and my stomach was so swollen I looked 7 months pregnant, my periods were crazy, I had night sweats and hot and cold flashes I was miserable and thinking I just want to die. I went to 5 different Doctors and for 3 weeks was thinking I had cancer ( I had no idea the celiac was causing this)and the Doctors had no clue what was going on either. Even my family doctor who knew I had celiac disease didn't catch on as a matter of fact he referred me to an OB-GYN. My husband, family , friends along with myself were scared. After lots of frustration we decided to go to a different network of Doctors ( because Doctors in the same network associate and talk) I wanted a fresh opinion, someone to look at me differently. I was ready to die and had come to terms with leaving, however my husband told me that was not an option, so I made yet another doctors appointment in another town about an hour away. I had never seen this man before in my life. I only wanted to give him limited information, because I didn't want him to form any opinions on what the other doctors had said, so with that I only gave him my symptoms and told him about the H-pylori. I wasn't in his office 5 minutes and he looks at me and says "have you ever tried a gluten free diet?" That moment sent me into a whirlwind of emotions. First I was angry that my own family doctor didn't get it, then I was angry at myself for doing this to myself and not taking it seriously to begin with, and then the dominoe effect..I can't eat anything I love anymore..and that included everything right down to the creamer I put in my coffee to the soap I use. I felt and still feel one of the biggest losses in my life. Although Celiac disease is becoming more wide known(or mabye thats because I've been researching the disease)but most peolple are very insensitve to the need of us being gluten free. I've been told "it's seems pretty simple, just don't eat gluten". I wish it was that simple..Now when I go grocery shopping, the whole store feels like a graveyard of foods that are now dead to me because I can no longer enjoy them. If I want a snack it's just not simple like it use to be. I do not expect or would I ever ask my family to convert to my gluten free life, but I do get angry at all the foods they can eat( my anger is in the food not them). I'm still at the beginning of accepting my disease. You need a very good support system to help you through this transition, as it is not easy emotionaly or physically. One of the reasons I am dedicating my time to this blog is so that hopefully I can make it easier for at least just one person.